Switching Gears

Hello to those of you who read my blog. This is a very random Saturday blog since I usually prefer to do it on Sundays. I didn’t do a Sunday post this past week because I was in the process of making a decision. Unfortunately, this blog has brought me some problems. I really enjoy … Continue reading

The First Personal Pronoun

This poem is from a book titled, Last Night I Died: Poems from Retirement Francis Dorff. O. Praem I think it is really beautiful and sums up both yoga philosophy and the highest ideals of Christian theology. None of this is belongs to me, but I believe this is a poem that needs to be … Continue reading

Spring Poem

Slowly arising from their wintry descent The animals and plants slowly come back to life With the daylight longer and the sun’s rays stronger, Our part of the World inches closer to the light. Seedlings become brave as the earth nourishes them With soil and water and sensing the warmth in the air With the … Continue reading