A Beautiful Evening

Hello, Last night between the wind and a tree in the yard of the house behind us, two power lines went down and we were without power for more than 2 hours. What I saw as a major inconvenience turned out to be a beautiful night of enjoying the new fall weather (and the wind … Continue reading

Green Light Meditation

I wrote this meditation over four years ago. It is short and sweet and nice to use when you do not have a lot of time. I used it a lot when I met with a group of people as a way to shift the energy to create a more sacred space. I had lost … Continue reading

Emotional Freedom Technique with Inhale, Retention, Exhale, Suspension

KC: As I begin this breathing exercise, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Every inhale and exhale is sacred. With each cycle of breath, my essence merges with God’s essence. God infuses my body, mind, and heart. EB: (Inhale) Welcome God SE: (Retain the breath) Stay with me God UE: (Exhale) Remove all … Continue reading

My Tribe

No meditation or poem this week. Hopefully, I will come with something today that I can post next Sunday. But I did want to vaguely share an experience I had yesterday. I am being vague in order to protect them and myself from any kind of intrusion. I am part of a small group of … Continue reading