Blue Flowers with a Cobweb

Blue flowers and cobweb
Blue flowers and cobweb

Two blue flowers, buds and a cobweb running across the picture.

When I took this picture, I was not sure if I had captured the cobweb that goes across the picture. I love blue flowers because I do not see them very often and feel they would complete many gardens in terms of a color scheme. If I ever had a garden, I would make sure to have flowers of every color of the rainbow🙂

I love how the cobweb covers the whole length of the picture. It looks as it a piece of cotton was pulled off a cotton ball. It also reminds me of a clothesline and the more I look at the picture, the more tempted I am to pluck it!

Both the flowers, the buds and the cobweb are so delicate. It’s also an opposites type thing for me. I love flowers and hate spider webs because that means a spider is nearby. EEEK!

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