Conflict Tapping

I wrote a tapping session on conflict because it is something that has been on my mind for awhile. I have been thinking about conflict and how difficult it is to communicate different points of views. With social media, communicating different points of view is even more difficult and can go on forever. I’ve been there and sometimes still find myself there so I will definitely have to heed my own advice!

To learn more about tapping (official known as the Emotional Freedom Technique, aka EFT), check out the Tapping Solution webpage. To learn how to do it, check out the bottom page of the this link.

Here’s the session:

Even though we all experience conflict, we deeply and completely respect one another.
Even though we disagree, we still deeply and completely respect one another.
Even though we hate conflict, we can work through it and more deeply and completely respect one another.

EB: Conflict creates tension
SE: It creates division
UE: It creates hurt feelings
UN: Feelings of being invalidate
CP: Feelings that your view is wrong
CB: Feelings that no one is sticking up for you
UA: Conflict can create feelings that strain and even break relationships

TH: Conflict is unpleasant but a regular, and sometimes, necessary part of life.
Everyone is not going to have the same thoughts on a topic.

EB: Conflict can help us see another’s viewpoint & understand there are often multiple views on one issue
SE: It can help us form opinions on issues we have not taken the time to think about
UE: It can help us cement our current opinions and viewpoints as we communicate to others
UN: We can help others understand another perspective they have not considered
CP: We can help give others a voice they are trying to develop
CB: We can help others with the same view through encouragement and support
UA: Conflict can be constructive when it is done with respect and empathy for the opposing opinion.

TH: Let’s not forget that some people may not have a black and white view of an issue, choosing to lie in the shades of gray that allowing them to question and explore.

EB: Out of conflict, new thoughts and ideas can emerge
SE: New ideas and thoughts can lead to solutions
UE: Those new solutions can bring people on opposing sides together
UN: Solutions that consider a wide ranges of experiences
CP: Solutions that can help the greatest number of people
CB: Solutions that can have positive impacts at an individual, local, national and global level
UA: Conflict does not have to be the root of the problem; it can often be the beginning to resolution.

TH: Conflict starts out very unpleasant because we naturally are so defensive about our own views and experiences. It often is not an issue of “right vs. wrong,” but an issue of “my world view & experiences vs. your world view & experiences”. Each world view & experience is valid & real & powerful and often become a part of our identity. That is why each world view is so important to the person that holds it. But each world view is inherently limited to our worldview & experiences, which is why there are so many of them

After you are done, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale deeply through your mouth.


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