DNA Chakra Meditation

I have made an audio of this meditation. I am going to try and start doing this. I hope that you enjoy this meditation and the audio if you choose to buy it. There is a link to an audio sample so you can determine if you would like to listen to the meditation per my voice. Thank you for your support!

Chakra DNA Meditation

Hello and welcome to DNA Chakra Meditation. The goal of this session is to help you see that your chakras are an intrinsic part of who you are, just like your DNA.


So first find a comfortable place to sit or lie down and aclose your eyes.


We’ll start out with some deep breathing. Take a deep breath for 4 counts and hold for 4 counts. Then exhale for 5, 6, or 7 counts, relaxing every muscle, from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes.

You can do this as many times as you need to (and you can pause the audio if you need to).


DNA Chakra Meditation


Now Picture Your DNA, in the shape of a double helix.




This one molecule encodes all of you, it is the source of your eye color, hair color, height, and so much more.


Imagine this double helix unwinding, as it does when cells grow and divide. Now it is just two straight lines next to each other.


DNA Chakra Meditation


Now picture the 4 ends of your DNA. At the ends are telomeres, and they are there to protect the DNA from damage. As we age, they get shorter, offering us less protection. This meditation is going to help us imagine the chakras acting as telomeres, protecting the ends of your DNA.


To keep our DNA protected, let’s imagine the chakras in the form of spheres at each end, protecting them. Starting with the Root Chakra to the Sacral Chakra to the Solar Plexus Chakra to the Heart Chakra to the Throat Chakra to the Brow Chakra, and finally to the Crown Chakra. Each one is there renewing, reenergizing, and revitalizing the telomeres at the end of your DNA.


~Root Chakra~

The chakra closest to your DNA is the Root Chakra. A red sphere of energy spinning clockwise closest to the telomeres at the ends of each strand. As it spins, it sends a red energy around the strands.


This red energy starts at the ends of each strand and meets up, completely surrounding both strands.


This energy helps you to take care of yourself at the most basic level, know who you are, plays a role in your health, and gives you a sense of belonging. It makes sense that the chakra related to identity and basic survival would be closest to your telomeres. Your DNA is a significant part of your identity, and all the processes that allow your body to take care of itself are encoded in it.


All of us have to survive and have gone through rough patches in life. Think of those who have had a particularly hard life. Maybe that person is you. It may have been difficult, but you are still here and have learned a lot about who you are through those trials. You know you can make it because you have been through the worse and come out the other side.


Picture that red energy for as long as you like. When you are ready to move on, just picture the energy around the strands dissipating out into the universe, and less and less energy coming from the red sphere representing the Root Chakra.


~Sacral Chakra~

Now picture the next sphere representing your Sacral Chakra. An orange sphere of energy spinning clockwise at the end of each strand. As it spins, it sends an orange energy through the Root Chakra and around the strands.


This orange energy starts at the ends of each strand and meets up, completely surrounding both strands.


This energy helps you to be creative, give and receive pleasure, and enjoy any abundance that comes into your life. Some people think creativity is part of their genetic makeup. The phrases “I was born to write” or “He or She was born to paint” suggest that desire is a very intrinsic part of who we are, like our DNA.


Most of us are very receptive to the things that make life fun. We all enjoy getting a gift we specifically asked for, right? Many of us also find lots of happiness in giving, and not just things. Someone may enjoy throwing a party or holding a fundraiser for a cause close to their heart.

Many of us also struggle with giving and receiving at times, or we do one more than the other. It’s all about balance and realizing when we are capable of giving and deserving of receiving.


Picture that orange energy for as long as you like. When you are ready to move on, just picture the energy around the strands dissipating out into the universe, and picture less and less energy coming from the orange sphere representing the Sacral Chakra.



~Solar Plexus Chakra~

Now picture the next sphere representing your Solar Plexus Chakra. A yellow sphere of energy spinning clockwise at the ends of each strand. As it spins, it sends a yellow energy through the Sacral and Root Chakras and around the strands.


The yellow energy starts at the ends of each strand and meets up, completely surrounding both strands.


This energy gives you a sense of self-worth, self-esteem, and the will power to manifest your life as you want. You know that person who says they are going to do something and it seems like it is done before they even finish saying it? That person has a very well-balanced Solar Plexus Chakra. They know that they can do it, that they deserve success, and do not need the approval of anyone. They have that “fire in their belly”. And even when things don’t work out, they shake it off and move onto something new.


A lot of us, including myself, have issued with self-esteem and self-worth. We worry about what others will say about our ideas, so we never let them see the light of day. And therefore, we never know if they would have been successful or not. One has to wonder how many ideas that might have changed the world were never even tried because the person who had them did not feel worthy enough to pursue it or worried about what others may have thought?


Picture that yellow energy for as long as you like. When you are ready to move on, picture the energy around the strands dissipating out into the universe, and picture less and less energy coming from the yellow sphere representing the Solar Plexus Chakra.



~Heart Chakra~

Now picture the next sphere representing your Heart Chakra. A green sphere of energy spinning clockwise at the end of each strand. As it spins, it sends a green energy through the Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakras, and around the strands.


This green energy starts at the ends of each strand and meets up, completely surrounding both strands.


This energy connects the three Chakras that keep us grounded to the Earth and the three that allow us to get a glimpse of the Spiritual realm. It is also where we strengthen our ability to be compassionate to ourselves and others. The ability to give and receive love and forgiveness resides here.


Are love and forgiveness part of our DNA? Or do we learn that from our environment? Maybe it is both. There are people who express love and forgiveness much more easily than others. It’s not always easy, and I along with many others struggle with this chakra. I have had to learn how to forgive, and realize that the inability to forgive one person affects my ability to love others. When I am hurt, the fear of loving again can make it hard to forgive, which makes it hard to love again.


It’s a cycle that eventually leaves your heart deadened. We think bravery comes from holding a grudge against those who hurt us, but forgiveness and loving are very brave acts because it says that we are willing to take the risk of being hurt in order to find love again and again.


Picture that green energy for as long as you like. When you are ready to move on, picture the energy around the strands dissipating out into the universe, and picture less and less energy coming from the green sphere representing the Heart Chakra.



~Throat Chakra~

Now picture the next sphere representing your Throat Chakra. A blue sphere of energy spinning clockwise at the ends of each strand. As it spins, it sends a blue energy through the Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakras, and around the strands.


The blue energy starts at the ends of each strand and meets up, completely surrounding both strands.


This energy allows us to express our ideas and thoughts honestly and without fear. Our ideas and thoughts are important, and should be shared.


Our thoughts and feelings are very much a part of who we are. We often “feel things in our gut” and our emotions are often linked to our physical state. And many times we do not share those feelings. How many of us have had an idea or suggestion at work, but we did not speak up because we thought no one would really listen to it? How many of us want to express how we truly feel but don’t because we don’t want to “rock the boat”? I have been there more times than I care to count. But if we do not express our feelings, they will come out in other ways which are often unhealthy.


Picture that blue energy for as long as you like. When you are ready to move on, just picture the energy around the strands dissipating out into the universe, and picture less and less energy coming from the blue sphere representing the Throat Chakra.



~Brow Chakra~

Now picture the next sphere representing your Brow Chakra. An indigo sphere of energy spinning clockwise at the end of each strand. As it spins, it sends an indigo energy through the Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakras, and around the strands.


The indigo energy starts at the ends of each strand and meets up, completely surrounding both strands.


This energy taps into our ability to listen to our intuition, gain wisdom, and use our imagination.


Do you listen to that little voice that tells you maybe you should not go out today? Do you get a bad feeling when you walk into a room where people are sitting and quickly realize that you were right on that mark? That is your intuition letting you know what’s up? We do not rely on it much anymore, probably because our modern, fast-paced world dulls our sense of danger. But our intuition is there to guide us, and let us know if we are in danger.


Wisdom is also very important. Do you love to listen to experts of various subjects talk? Do you absorb what you read? Do you study one particular subject in hopes of becoming that expert? Even as you gain knowledge, do you realize that there is always something to learn and that ideas can change over time? Do you use your life experience and that of others to make good decisions? Wisdom is something we all have and something we can all gain. We never stop gaining wisdom throughout our lives, and it is important to cultivate it.


Our imaginations are also important. Whenever I read fiction, I always imagine the scenes in my head. What the people look like, what they are wearing, and how things might play out in the end. We use our imaginations so much as kids during playtime, but we lose that as we grow older and have to become part of the “real world”, which is full of bills and working jobs we hate so we can pay those bills.


Picture that indigo energy for as long as you like. When you are ready to move on, just picture the energy around the strands dissipating out into the universe, and picture less and less energy coming from the indigo sphere representing the Brow Chakra.



~Crown Chakra~

Now picture the final sphere representing your Crown Chakra. This violet sphere of energy spinning clockwise at the ends of each strand. As it spins, it sends a violet energy through the Brow, Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus, Sacral, and Root Chakras, and around the strands.


The violet energy starts at the ends of each strand and meets up, completely surrounding both strands.


This energy represents our connectedness to each other through the Divine.


We spend a lot of time as individuals, and it is important to be who you are. But it is also important to remember that we are connected, and that does not require us to look, think, and act alike. We are all connected through the Divine, and that include other human beings, animals, and plants. We all need basic things to live, and we often form bonds with other people who have similar life experiences. It is through Divinity that we recognize our common humanity. Many people want to have a greater purpose in life and want their ideas to better all of mankind. It is because many of us understand that we share a common bond.


This chakra is the farthest from the ends of your DNA strands, which makes sense as it connects your physical being with the energy of the Divine.


Picture that violet energy for as long as you like. When you are ready to move on, just picture the energy around the strands dissipating out into the universe, and picture less and less energy coming from the violet sphere representing the Crown Chakra.



~Seal of Protection~

Now we are going seal your chakra-charged DNA. Picture a large clear sphere radiating light that surrounds both DNA strands and all seven chakras. This is the sphere of Divine Love, Light, and Truth and it is there to protect your chakras and DNA. This large clear sphere radiates so much light. Bask in its warmth and comfort, knowing that the Universe has your back.




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