Reiki Chakra Hands

Reiki Chakra HandsI have interests in meditation, the chakras and Reiki and have been trying to figure out how to combine them. I came up with this meditation when I was meditating. I was sitting cross-legged and I pictured the energy from my chakras coming out of my hand. When I meditate, I seem to perform Reiki by default. And with this meditation, the energy was very strong and it made me feel really good and I wanted to share this with you.

Sit cross-legged or whatever is comfortable. Lay the hands on the knees or legs with the palms up First of all, center yourself using your breath. Inhale for 4 counts (I like to do “1 and 2 and 3 and 4), hold it for a moment and then exhale for 6 or 7 counts.

Close your eyes and picture each of your seven chakras; The Root Chakra at the base of spine, a rich red energy spinning clockwise. Helping you feel grounded, safe, self-sufficient and like you belong.

The Sacral Chakra in the pelvic area, a vibrant orange energy spinning clockwise. Helping you understand that you deserve to receive and give pleasure, comfort and abundance.

The Solar Plexus Chakra at the navel, a powerful yellow energy spinning clockwise. This chakra helps you feel worthy, powerful, self-approval and allows you to manifest your life as you see it.

The Heart Chakra in the middle of the chest, a joyful green energy spinning clockwise. This chakra helps you to receive and accept forgiveness and unconditional love.

The Throat Chakra in the throat, a cool blue energy spinning clockwise. This chakra helps you to truthfully express your thoughts and ideas.

The Brow Chakra in the third eye, a deep indigo energy spinning clockwise. This chakra helps you to listen to your intuition, become more imaginative and grow in wisdom.

The Crown Chakra at the top of the head, a royal violet energy spinning clockwise. This chakra helps you to become aware of your Divinity and how we are all connected to that Divinity.

Picture all seven chakras-red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet-rotating in their places along the spine spinning clockwise. They allow you to fully experience the wonder and beauty of life. Chakra reiki hands Still with you eyes close, picture these energies traveling down both hands. (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Picture red and orange energies going up the spine, into the shoulders, down the arms to stop at the wrists, coming out of heels of each hand (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Picture yellow energy going up the spine,   into the shoulders, down the arms, through the wrists and hands and coming out of each pinky  fingers (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Picture green energy going up the spine,   into the shoulders, down the arms, through the wrists and hands and coming out from each thumb  (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Picture blue energy going from the throat into the shoulders, down the arms, through the wrists and hands, coming out from each ring finger  (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Picture indigo energy  travelling down the face, into the shoulders, down the arms, through the wrists and hands and from each index finger  (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Picture violet energy  travelling down from the top of the head, into the shoulders, down the arms, through the wrists and hands, coming out from each middle finger  (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Accept whatever sensations you feel; tingling, warmth, pulsing. This is the energy inside you that comes from the Divine Source. You can tap this energy any time and any where.

chakra reiki hands

Watch each of the energies shoot up towards the cosmos until you cannot see them anymore. Rays of each energy break off and travel left and right and down into the earth. These energies travel through trees, other people, the stars, and every other living being. These energies connect us. These energies that travel through you and me and other living beings are immortal. They were here long before we were born and will be here long after we are gone.

Play with the energy by changing the orientation of your hands. Put them towards the ground, have one up and one down or have the palms facing each other. Hold them up in the air, have the heels of the hands touching.

If you prefer to stand, have your arms down at your sides with the palms facing forward. Feel how the energy changes and notice where it travels. Sit there for as long as you want feeling the energies come from your hands. Make your intentions known and imagine all your dreams coming true during this time.

When you are ready to being your attention back to the room, imagine the energy coming back from the cosmos and the earth into your hands.

Feel the purple energy going into your middle fingers, through your hands and up your arms to the top of your head…your Crown Chakra. (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Feel the indigo energy coming back to the index fingers, through  your hands and up your arms to your third eye…the Brow Chakra. (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Feel the blue energy coming back to the ring fingers, through your hands and up your arms to your Throat Chakra. (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Feel the green energy coming back into your thumbs, through your hands and up your arms to the middle of your chest….the Heart Chakra. (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Feel the yellow energy coming back into your pinky fingers, through your hands and up your arms to your navel…the Solar Plexus Chakra. (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Feel the orange energy come back into the heel of your hands, up your arms and back to the pelvic area…your Sacral Chakra. (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)

Feel the red energy come back into the heel of your hands, up your arms and back to the base of your spine…your Root Chakra. (pause for 5 to 10 breaths)


Ask yourself how you feel afterwards? Relaxed? Centered? Less Anxious? Energized? Hopefully you feel more energized and aware of your magnificent power. Remember that you can always tap that power when life makes you feel down, anxious or lost. Namaste.


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