Apana Mudra Vinyasa

My yoga teacher posted a video of this breathing technique on social media. I cannot find this anywhere on YouTube, so I am going to have to do my best to explain it. Like the title, Apana Mudra Vinyasa is a breathing technique that is grounding. As an earth sign in Aquarius (air), I am … Continue reading

Kashyapa Mudra and EFT (aka Tapping)

I am combining this mudra, which I love, with tapping. Please look at the post I did where I introduced Kashyapa Mudra. This is a great grounding mudra, and to add tapping makes it even better. I was sitting at my desk one day, feeling a little down, and I did the mudra. I put … Continue reading

Kashyapa Mudra and the Chakras

I recently learned a mudra, or hand gesture, called Kashyapa Mudra.  You can learn more about it when you click the link, but I found this mudra to be extremely calming and grounding. And even though it has been less than a week since I learned it, I have used it almost every day since … Continue reading

EFT for Grounding

This is a short grounding exercise where I combine hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT aka Tapping). KC: As I begin to become grounded, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. As I visualize a silver cord anchoring my feet into the Earth, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. As this silver … Continue reading